The Advice I Give to All Early- Stage Founders
The Advice I Give to All Early- Stage Founders

If your startup is in its early stages and you often find yourself scratching your head to find the answer to one key question: “What should I be doing next?”, you’re not alone. There will be moments when you feel everything around you crumbling, and often you will give up. At these times it’s important to have a go to person, someone who’s done it in the past and will provide you with the advice and fuel to keep going. While looking for a publisher for her first book, Arianna Huffington was rejected almost 35 times. She went on to start one of the biggest news aggregators in the US, the Huffington Post.

5 Ways NetSuite Helps your E-commerce Business
5 Ways NetSuite Helps your E-commerce Business

While “digital disruption” today seems to be a buzz phrase the first of its kindemerged in the 1960s and changed the way the world communicated—the precursor to the Internet was born. The first e-commerce transaction ever recorded was the sale of marijuana by students from Stanford to those in MIT over the ARPANET, an early implementation of the Internet.

5 Ways in which Netsuite facilitates “Whole-sale”
5 Ways in which Netsuite facilitates “Whole-sale”

In Wholesale, you always need to ensure “’whole – sale”. But for anyone in this segment, it’s easier said than done. To meet the demands placed on you, your processes need to be automated almost completely. Here are 5 ways in which NetSuite can help you do exactly that.

The perfect cloud ERP for a small business: Microsoft Dynamics 365 or NetSuite?
The perfect cloud ERP for a small business: Microsoft Dynamics 365 or NetSuite?

This is a conundrum most C-Suite Executives in small- and medium-sized businesses are faced with. This is something they must put to rest if they want their businesses to grow. With differences ranging from their architecture to support systems, there are probably so many things that you must consider when you make a choice. Let us look at a few of them.

5 ways NetSuite can help Light Manufacturing companies
5 ways NetSuite can help Light Manufacturing companies

The Renaissance in Europe was a time of awakening. It was a time of new ideas coming to life, and what better way is for them to come to life than on an artist’s board or a poet’s verse? The answer—perhaps a factory? 

3 Ways NetSuite can help Telecom companies
3 Ways NetSuite can help Telecom companies

“Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.” These were the words of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone on his first call to his assistant Mr. Watson from his Boston laboratory on March 10, 1876. Fast forward to 2020. As it was well put in the Vodafone ad from 2014, “The world is their playground”. From a simple laboratory setup to lines that run several times round the earth, most telecom companies in this day and age like to think that way. They also recognize the importance of ERP implementations if they must keep growing that way.