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NetSuite Shopify Integration Guide – 2021

Posted On August Monday 9, 2021

NetSuite Shopify Integration Guide – 2021

With the onset of the pandemic, digitization has affected all aspects of life, including consumer habits. Hence, the need to stand out in the competitive market has become a compulsion. Moreover, if you have a retail business, e-commerce is what you need to adapt to the new needs of your customers. Yet, an e-commerce site by itself is not enough to carry out complex and comprehensive management. An e-commerce site is a sure value to increase sales, as long as it is properly coordinated with an ERP, such as NetSuite Shopify Integration. This NetSuite Integration acts as a one-stop solution for all your commercial activities.

Why integrate NetSuite ERP with the e-commerce platform?

Before discussing the integration practices, we need to understand why NetSuite Shopify Connector is so important, right!

Well, you may already know that the use of management software allows the different sectors of the company to work in harmony to optimize and monitor all processes. Similarly, integration is no different. It increases control over operations, increases business efficiency, and reduces costs.

But, that’s not all! Here are some more reasons to integrate the e-commerce platform:

  • Optimization of error and fault diagnosis
  • Automation of processes, increasing their agility
  • More assertiveness in inventory control
  • Routing and tracking of orders

Issuance of invoices

  • Improvement in customer relationships
  • Monitoring and analysis of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
  • Optimized product registration
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) integration;
  • Remote management

In addition, it is worth remembering that NetSuite ERP is customizable. It means integration in the e-commerce platform can be designed precisely to meet the particularities and needs of your enterprise (core business, products, customer profile, and several other characteristics).

How NetSuite Shopify Integration makes businesses smooth?

With Shopify at the front end and NetSuite at the back end, you can manage your customers independently and deliver an amazing experience. This platform brings together e-commerce with the core business activities of organizations, with inventory management and order management, marketing, customer service, and administration. In addition, it offers a complete view of your customer base and your business with a single cloud-based system.

For your retail or e-commerce business, you need real-time data that can be translated into intelligent systems so that it provides rapid and consistent value to your business. This is where Netsuite integration becomes essential for Shopify business owners as it offers a complete view of the customer base and your business in a single cloud-based system. You can look into various areas such as customer support, stock management, order and fulfillment management systems, etc.

shopify oracle netsuite

Source: [gurussolutions.com]

Ways of NetSuite + Shopify Integration for better business growth

Here are the 3 best approaches to integrate NetSuite with Shopify e-commerce platform:

Point-to-point Integration

It is one of the fundamental approaches of NetSuite Integration with Shopify.  Point-to-point integration synchronizes data, such as products, inventory management, and customers. In this procedure, vendors must choose which system to master and ways to manage data mapping without an intermediate operational platform. Point-to-point integration synchronizes data by batches i.e. every hour or even once or twice a day. It is an ideal approach for small businesses operating with limited budgets and operations.

However, for MNC’s or large business owners having multiple channels to integrate and manage, Point-to-point integration is not recommendable, as it cannot deliver the desired results. As the number of systems grows, the complexity also increases accordingly. And, if something goes wrong with the integration process, it affects the entire operation of the system and leads to unexpected costs.

Customized NetSuite Shopify Integration

With the evolution of technology and customization capabilities, business owners are taking a step forward by customizing the integration process between Netsuite and Shopify. In this approach, our deeply talented professionals at Techcloudpro will help you with custom NetSuite Connector integration. Here, the application programming interfaces (APIs) for these individual systems are connected to bridge the gap between these platforms and help you with the personalized codes linking these systems.

Adopting cloud-based solution

It’s one of the best ways of NetSuite Shopify integration. In this approach, cloud-based solutions act as an operational hub between NetSuite and Shopify. As a result, you can access and take advantage of the services anywhere and at any time. However, unlike the point-to-point integration approach, Netsuite Cloud-based ERP modules are highly configurable and customizable according to business needs.

Moreover, with this NetSuite Connector, business owners will be able to provide an ‘out of the box’ customer experience to the buyers while gaining real-time visibility of the data to manage the over-data flow.

Advantages of integrating NetSuite with Shopify
Less margin of error

The integration of the NetSuite with the Shopify makes the information flow between them in such a way that, on both platforms, the data remains updated. It is done automatically and in real-time. Thus, information is rarely duplicated, and the margin for human error disappears.

Better service and customer experience

All movements and operations carried out in the sales process are recorded by NetSuite in such a way that all this information is periodically updated and made available to both NetSuite and Shopify users. Thus, on the one hand, the customer remains constantly informed, and on the other hand, the sales staff can offer a better service.

The possibilities that NetSuite offers you to improve the customer experience are very varied. For instance, most online stores have already chosen to allow consumers to track shipments. In the same way, the sales staff can carry out the same follow-up to control that it is carried out properly and intervene in case of any inconvenience. All this reverts to an improvement in the image that the company projects and more effective customer loyalty.

Automatic billing

Another great advantage of NetSuite Shopify integration is the creation of invoices and delivery notes automatically every time an order is confirmed. As the information between Shopify and NetSuite flows uninterruptedly, all the data and billing milestones travel from one to the other, registering without errors.

Investment optimization

The binomial between Netsuite Shopify integration ultimately ensures a much more efficient investment of resources. Task automation reduces errors, limits human resource expenses, and warehouse operations become cheaper. It also reduces economic costs as well as time. In addition, with the reports generated based on historical management data, the planning of the investment of resources can be refined much more. All the information used for decision-making will be the key to proposing much smarter buying and selling strategies.


If you are looking for a trusted NetSuite Shopify integration partner for your business, contact us at Address. As an Oracle NetSuite Certified Partner, our experts at Techcloudpro employs its in-depth knowledge of NetSuite CRM to recommend the best modules/solutions based on your specific business needs. We are always available for our customers.