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5 points to consider while choosing ERP software

Posted On September Wednesday 1, 2021

5 points to consider while choosing ERP software

Choosing ERP software is a daunting task. Although it may be exciting in some respects, it has its own requirements and complexity. This is a major decision that may have an enormous impact on the company’s business, which is why the decision is under tremendous pressure. Companies need to spend time finding an ERP system that can be seamlessly integrated into their fundamental business processes while ensuring that the software they choose is the best on the market.

Companies need to find a supplier who can provide all of these and higher-quality support and services. When a company starts researching, it is not easy to make a choice faced with so many software and suppliers, and each supplier has its own advantages and tries its best to attract the company to become its customer. However, how do companies choose the most suitable products for their business? So, follow us throughout this article, as we will share some tips and tricks on how to choose the right ERP system for your business or organization

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Role of ERP for Small Businesses

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning and, in free translation, stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It is a type of software, which promotes management in different areas of an organization in an integrated manner, such as:

  • administrative
  • financial
  • commercial
  • sales
  • stock
  • tax and accounting, etc

In practice, this software will be implemented in the company’s routine and integrated with other programs that are used by the business. Employees will use it to increase the productive efficiency of the entire business.

For managers, they will have greater and broader control of activities carried out in various sectors, allowing them to know more precisely the business results, identify areas for improvement, assess the costs and performance of each area, etc.

This is a matter of interest not only to the Information Technology (IT) sector. The administrator does not need to understand programming languages ​​to know their features, choose the best program for their company and know how to use it.

Tips on choosing ERP software

Today, many companies already have an ERP solution as one of the most important management tools at the corporate level. However, this type of business management software becomes outdated over time, as is the case with all technology, and needs updating. Knowing how to choose the right ERP software to stay competitive is a key differentiating factor.

Therefore, here are some points to consider while choosing an ERP solution:

Define priority areas and processes

The first step in choosing ERP is to define your company’s current needs. Therefore, you must choose the priority areas and processes to integrate with the ERP. Numerous processes from different sectors can be automated, such as accounting, finance, human resources, sales, marketing. So, it is important to understand which activities can be optimized with management that uses ERP.

A tip is to raise failures or previous situations that have been shown to require more care, whether they are aimed at production, communication, inventory, etc.

Check out the solution’s features

Another interesting point is the comparison between what you need and what the ERP market can contribute. And this has everything to do with the functionality of each system. Here, it’s even worth having your list of priorities for the system at hand.

So, no matter how many features the software offers, it’s critical that it at least understand those you’re looking for.

See how the support involved in the chosen ERP works

One option you need to realize is whether the chosen ERP not only optimizes your work but also manages to support your customers. This way, you will be able to solve doubts more conveniently and still be able to solve system-related problems when you need to. Also, assess which channels the contracted company offers. For example, if your e-commerce team does not have time to resolve issues only via email, it is not feasible to choose an ERP that only provides support through this channel.

Evaluate the cost-benefit

While asking what are the criteria for choosing an ERP, evaluating the cost-benefit is also essential. ERP systems, especially SaaS, are more affordable on the market. But, the values ​​vary according to the features, customization, and training required. The main tip on how to choose ERP without having to worry about the price is to establish an ideal budget and, with it, and find which option meets your real needs.

It’s not because a system is more complex and promises more features and initial users that it will be the best for what you need every day. Evaluate cost-effectiveness according to priority services and your financial reality.

Look for products focused on your niche

The last tip is to present a basic idea: instead of searching for the most complete product on the market, why not research first if there is software specifically focused on your market? This makes the product itself already your main reference — and, who knows, more accessible than the most popular brand in the entire technology segment. Again, remember to look for a product that meets your needs first.


An ERP solution is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. It’s something the company has to continually maintain control of to avoid any systemic failures that might affect the functionality of the ERP software. Therefore, schedule periodic reviews and make constant updates.

Was it clear how to choose the best ERP in the company? So don’t waste any more time and take this solution to your business.