Category: Blog

Bringing you the latest trends in Digital Transformation, Business Process Automation, Cloud-based Solutions, Cybersecurity & more...

5 ways NetSuite can help Light Manufacturing companies

The Renaissance in Europe was a time of awakening. It was a time of new ideas coming to life, and what better way is for them to come to life than on an artist’s board or a poet’s verse? The answer—perhaps a factory? 

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3 Ways NetSuite can help Telecom companies

“Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.” These were the words of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone on his first call to his assistant Mr. Watson from his Boston laboratory on March 10, 1876. Fast forward to 2020. As it was well put in the Vodafone ad from 2014, “The… Read More

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4 reasons why NetSuite is healthy for your Healthcare business

As a healthcare company, there is constant pressure to respond to customer requirements along with government and industry regulations in a space that is becoming increasingly competitive. In such a scenario, you must have the tools that increase your organizational efficiency.

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