Category: Blog

Bringing you the latest trends in Digital Transformation, Business Process Automation, Cloud-based Solutions, Cybersecurity & more...

NetSuite ERP for Manufacturing Companies

Over the years, the manufacturing landscape has become increasingly competitive. Regardless of their size, manufacturing companies must deliver quality products at a faster rate and at the lowest possible cost to gain substantial market share and increase the number of new customers while keeping the old ones. This is a real challenge for any manufacturing… Read More

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NetSuite Modules: Types, uses and its Benefits

Today, NetSuite ERP is a part of everyday life for many companies. To understand the advantages what this technology offers, it is important to have a basic knowledge about its operation. Therefore, understanding ERP modules is essential here. NetSuite modules are capable of covering all the company’s needs in a single unified platform. The platform… Read More

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NetSuite ERP: How does it work?

It is no secret to anyone that the pandemic has been a challenge for all-size business operations. Faced with this context, medium and small enterprises need to use tools that help them operate efficiently. One of the market options for these organizations is Oracle NetSuite – a suite of end-to-end solutions for running the business… Read More

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Reasons to consider NetSuite ERP for your business

Today, Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is one of the most comprehensive and robust enterprise-wide data management solutions in the business landscape. Yet, with so many ERP systems in the market, choosing the right one may seem overwhelming. however, don’t get lost in the sea of bells and whistles – successfully implementing a cloud ERP strategy… Read More

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Cloud-based ERP vs. Traditional ERP: Which one to choose?

Well, choosing between a cloud-based ERP vs. a traditional ERP can be quite confusing for those who are not aware of the in-depth characteristics of each of the software. In today’s business landscape, cloud systems have gained huge strength due to its numerous advantages present in the model.

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The ultimate guide to ERP for beginners and experts

As a tool for managing different operational processes, Netsuite ERP has a considerable impact on the performance and growth of a company. The following article aims to highlight what ERP is and how its implementation can benefit your company in the long run.

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Benefits of having cloud-based ERP for your company

Is your business growing? Are you trying to streamline your business operations figuratively and theoretically? From inventory to delivery, you are monitoring each step by keeping track of everything, but are unable to do it accurately, why? Well, let us tell you – the traditional on-site enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems often prove too rigid… Read More

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Why Odoo Is Considered Best for Business Management

Today, companies should no longer limit themselves to business strategies that worked manually at the time. In the future of business, technology advances by leaps and bounds. Every moment in the world, many companies grow, which to support their solidity require adequate software to direct business cycles and grow constantly. This is where Odoo ERP… Read More

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Work-From-Home (WFH): Cybersecurity Tips for Individuals

Work from home is no longer an option but a necessity for your business to continue smoothly during the Covid-19 outbreak. However, working through a virtual environment has its own drawbacks, which can lead to serious cyber security problems. So, if your company has transitioned from on-premises work culture to remote work culture, then you… Read More

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5 points to consider while choosing ERP software

Choosing ERP software is a daunting task. Although it may be exciting in some respects, it has its own requirements and complexity. This is a major decision that may have an enormous impact on the company’s business, which is why the decision is under tremendous pressure. Companies need to spend time finding an ERP system… Read More

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