Category: Blog

Bringing you the latest trends in Digital Transformation, Business Process Automation, Cloud-based Solutions, Cybersecurity & more...

What is Latest in Odoo 16?

Each Odoo upgrade has brought many new and highly useful features and this time is no exception. Odoo 16 reflects what we have grown to appreciate and also offers an idea towards the next.

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AI in CyberSecurity: A Problem Solver

Data protection is playing top priority to any organization be it small to large enterprises. Norton says that global cost to recover from a typical data breach is USD 3.86 million. According to IBM, it takes 287 days to identify a data breach and average time to contain a breach was 80 days.

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Ransomware – How to be secured?

Ransomware is a type of malware that threatens to destroy or withhold a victim’s critical data unless a ransom is paid to the attacker. Unfortunately, this type of cyberattack is on the rise — ransomware was named the top threat type for 2021, and attacks increased over 140% in Q3 of 2021 alone.

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Why business switch from QuickBooks to NetSuite?

Once the business has reached the scale where managing multiple departments over multiple location is a challenge, multiple accounting tasks management over there becomes a tedious task. Business owners find it challenging to rely on QuickBooks for the same due to a few limitations. 

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The checklist to avoid the ERP implementation failure

It was reported that in 2004, the HP Company recorded a 5% drop in its profits due to delays, cost overruns, and loss of revenue implementing a centralized ERP system for the entire organization. Vodafone missed migrating several of its clients to a new ERP platform it was implementing by the time it was revealed… Read More

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Top 5 ERP trends in the Market

A few years ago, in the world of business management systems, it was unthinkable to update an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) due to its high costs and huge infrastructure requirement. Some projects took all most two years to complete; imagine the work and cost generated for constant updates at that time.

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