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Why Odoo Is Considered Best for Business Management

Posted On September Tuesday 7, 2021

Why Odoo Is Considered Best for Business Management

Today, companies should no longer limit themselves to business strategies that worked manually at the time. In the future of business, technology advances by leaps and bounds. Every moment in the world, many companies grow, which to support their solidity require adequate software to direct business cycles and grow constantly. This is where Odoo ERP & Odoo CRM plays a crucial role in organizational management as it is more relevant today in its fast return on investment.

So in this blog, we will discuss in detail the reasons why Odoo ERP is one of the best and most efficient software on the market, this business solution reduces the need to manually manage data related to operations, sales, website, finance, marketing, human resources management, among other applications.

Odoo – one-stop solution for all areas of a business

Odoo has more than 26,000 applications in its app store and covers all business needs from one place without having to search for information on different sites and losing traceability. Odoo applications integrate seamlessly with each other allowing you to automate your processes and drastically reduce IT spending.

In addition, the new website builder with new and improved designs enables you to have a beautiful website or e-commerce that is perfectly integrated with other systems such as logistics, lead management, or automated marketing actions.

There are three different versions of Odoo ERP: Odoo Enterprise, Odoo Community, and Odoo Online Saas, and you can choose one of them according to the size, nature, and work processes of your company.

Can SMEs use Odoo ERP or Odoo CRM?

Since MNCs are already applying Odoo to manage their internal processes, many ask, “can I use it in my small or medium business?” Well – The answer is clear! As we’ve already told you, Odoo has the ability to adapt to any type of company, just program and customize it.

Odoo is currently the most requested business management software that helps develop comprehensive ERP applications with essential functions: Accounting, Finance, Project Management, Sales and Purchasing, CRM, Warehouse Management, Human Resources, Marketing, Point of Sale, Electronic Commerce, and many more.

Integrating multiple features into a single application package has never been as easy and hassle-free as it is with Odoo. Its modular approach redefines scalability and allows companies to start with a standard application and eventually add modules as the business evolves.

Benefits of Odoo and why you should choose for your business

Odoo has a lot of advantages over its competition, starting with the fact that it includes a dedicated community and a powerful customization capacity, this allows it to adapt to any business need. Below are some of the main advantages that Odoo has over its competition:

Scalable solution

Odoo has the ease of starting its implementation with the main modules, then, according to the growth and evolution of the organization, it can be scaled to new modules and applications that meet new needs, and later this scaling can be acquired in a simple and guided way.

Optimal interface

The user interface of the software is easy to use, so workflow and activities are smooth in the system. Odoo ERP has a friendly and intuitive interface, which is also capable of being personalized if the user requires it. Visual components for various interfaces make ERP workflows simpler and more efficient, away from all ambiguities. Odoo has an interface compatible with mobile devices and tablets, to support the demands of internal and external users.

Items will not be duplicated

Thanks to its personalized processes, the software guarantees that the data entered in it for internal procedures will not be duplicated, that is, records of customers, suppliers, products, among others.

Affordable for any organization

Odoo has a relatively low cost of implementation and also low recurring costs. One of the reasons is because of the licenses. The Community version of Odoo has no license cost. Odoo is a system in which our clients can wisely invest, with the guarantee that they will have software that adapts from the beginning to their requirements and will continue to do so over time.

Most Popular Odoo ERP Modules

Odoo’s fundamental principle is to empower the customer journey. One of the characteristics that differentiate Odoo from other ERP software is its modular architecture. There are several core modules and apps, which allow the customer to select only the applications most relevant to their business.

Below, we will see the Odoo modules and what they are for! Remember that each app fully integrates with all other Odoo apps, allowing you to manage all your data in one system.

Odoo Accounting

The accounting module connects directly to the bank or PayPal account, and the transactions are synchronized every hour. This module simplifies the creation and sending of invoices, facilitates the understanding of the financial situation, and enables you to manage employees’ expenses and more.

Odoo Inventory & MRP

Odoo’s manufacturing management apps support manufacturing processes and the supply chain. It automates the purchases by defining rules on made-to-order products, minimum stock, or main production plan.

The inventory management module allows controlling processing time by automating inventory transactions and improving transparency in all business operations. It organizes the warehouse efficiently, managing shipment details, purchases order proposals based on inventory forecasts, tracks product expiration, and creates custom barcodes.

Odoo Website

The Odoo Websites app allows efficiently building and managing the online store while creating the best shopping experience for the customer. This module enables to manage and set payment terms, define product promotions, and much more. It also allows you to implement a live chat to answer customer questions in real-time.

Odoo Email Marketing

A positive customer journey is essential, and Odoo Email Marketing knows precisely how to allow you to achieve it. The Marketing module enables you to create automated and targeted marketing campaigns, segmenting prospects appropriately.

Email Marketing is also part of Odoo: thanks to this powerful tool, it is possible to structure visually appealing email campaigns in a few minutes. Not just email: also SMS campaigns and management of corporate social media.

Odoo Sales

Odoo is also a kind of CRM platform: it schedules activities such as calls, meetings, mailings, and quotes and allows you to stay connected with customers. The sales module simplifies negotiations with an electronic signature, which allows customers to easily review and sign quotes online. Odoo Sales makes communications efficient by being able to receive personalized alerts on certain activities and automatically keep complete records of trades.

In addition, the software facilitates upselling, automatically proposing extra options and accessories, applying close triggers and discounts.


If you are planning to take a leap in the implementation of Odoo ERP and project demanding customizations for your company, at Techcloudpro we are ready to support you with the best. Our developers will interpret your requirements and business needs to adapt them to the solution. We guarantee 100% in the adaptability curve of your collaborators towards the new system, so that your business is more efficient and productive. For any questions, do not hesitate to write us at hello@techcloudpro.com.